Collection: Samantha Lentini

Samantha Lentini is a self-taught multidisciplinary artist based in Melbourne, Victoria. In 2012; with the intent to regulate amongst anxiety and depression, Samantha consciously discovered just how beneficially healing creating art could truly be and started to practice and expand her skills as an artist, experimenting primarily with intuitive painting via a variety of artistic practises and officially became an artist by selling her first piece in 2013.

After over ten years of practising art, Samantha is now considered to be a chameleon of various artistic styles. Her self-taught skills and carefully developed techniques have now harboured an in-depth understanding across a variety of mediums; resulting in not only successfully working within the complexities of client briefs, but also in the translation of a concept from the mind to medium.

Samantha's vast resume of work includes fine line works, typography, abstract paintings, paint pouring, wall murals and both abstract and figure works on mirrored Perspex. Through her work, regardless of technique, Samantha seeks to positively impact the environment of which her work will be housed – not only for the aesthetic pleasure for the onlooker, but also to raise surrounding moods through her intuitive knowledge of harmonising colours, balance and form. The essence of playful fun is almost always imminent in the development of Samantha’s works. Ultimately, Samantha’s work is an honest deep-dive into her own personal emotions and experiences, both past and present.